понедельник, 23 февраля 2009 г.

Place of women in the minds of men

Women occupy an important place in the lives of men. But it was not always the case. A very long time, they were not asked which man they like. Men decide on the section of wives only among themselves. All have their place in the ancient Greeks. They voznesli woman and her beauty on a pedestal. Have almost equal terms with men.

In the times of chivalry, women accounted for to win the duel, serenade under the window. Then there's the donzhuanskie lists. The success of women has become an essential item in the list of male prowess. A young man of that time is well aware of this and since adolescence began rampant hunting for women's hearts. Trained at the maid wench da yard. Podnabravshis experience the transition to secular prelestnits.

Donzhuansky list aristocrat meant nothing less than the Family pedigree. Of course, the victory of love, unlike the military, it is difficult to document. But as the battle banners of the enemy prostrate on the most savory gifts of clothing conquered beauties - Silk Garter, lacy a headscarf, kid. (Modern Don Juan, are known to have collected beatiful russian girls panties. This, of course, less gallantly, but more eloquently.). However, women's honor for the philanderer was sacred. He did not allow himself to defame his former beloved stories about their relationship.

Donzhuanskie lists hundreds of names. 'My marriage to Nathalie (this is my one hundred and thirteenth love) is solved', - said Pushkin, in his letter. It is not yet reached the hundreds, to marry early. Current rates are much lower. According to sociological research, the average of the modern men for the entire period of sexual activity are 12-15 partners. For women, rates twice more modest: 6-8 partners. How is this explained? In fact, logically it should be observed symmetry. Well, first, men tend to exaggerate their achievements, while women - diminish. What is clear: donzhuanskimi lists are proud men. And secondly, sociological research does not cover professional priestess of love.

Aristocrat of past centuries were sex, as to military prowess. Modern Don Juan - as a sport. Donzhuansky list - this is a sports result. Here is their record, the leaders, there is a hopeless outsider. In the record, of course, runs the current 'aristocrats' - pop and movie stars, celebrities of all stripes, and rich.

Sports enjoyed in their youth. Sexy sports - is no exception. Everyone is experiencing such a period. And it is in those 5-10 years old formed the basis donzhuanskogo list. Later, when it turns out that in life there is something povazhnee clubs and girls' career list updated much more slowly. And once more starting to pay attention not on the quantity and quality.

Nobody disputes: This man should have success with women. This is generally a pleasure - love. When you enter the office, and all women - from the secretary to the cleaners - just mleyut at their jobs. But to bend his whole life to achieve such effects are unlikely to stand. Here you can fall over backwards and philanderer, the women's favorite, to become a mediocre womanizer, who is still a skirt.

Women occupy an important place in the lives of men, but women - that's not all. One did not write the rules states: the less a man loves a woman, the more he likes it. By really real business (business, politics, career), men are more attractive to women. Perebolev youthful collection of men's victories, we are in relationship with a beautiful half optimize the replenishment process donzhuanskogo list from a qualitative point of view. In order to maintain good sexual form, the records are not needed. An interesting, bright woman one does not conquer by force of muscles. We need other men's dignity.

And the last. This man never boasted of their love victories. Remember this!

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